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This would be a good example of ridiculous and useless ideas that pop into my head.

When walking to some good friends for Christmas dinner, I walked past one of a surveillance-in-a-box things. This one was just so ridiculous (referring to the surveillance multi-gadget thing) it was just laughable. I was thinking of all kinds of ways to annoy the people watching the cameras if any, but that never has a point. This thing had a public address speaker and without a doubt microphones. It could have been an interesting conversation if I thought of something clever.

But that lead to other thoughts and eventually to this one.

Using two powered projectiles to carry a material up and over the device, that is so neatly contained in one small square area. The material is metallic cloth or cloth embedded with enough metal to be conductive and act as a Faraday shield. Then drawing it tight and other treatments to complete a Faraday cage.

This of course also blinds the cameras, partially or entirely. Hopefully muffles any cries from their P.A. speaker, if any data gets through (is cabled or shielding is not yet complete).

The objective is to disable it completely before they can react in anyway.

The only way to do that really would be an EMP device then inside the shield area to hopefully maximize effect and minimize damaging equipment outside of the target.

And my thing is not about being destructive anyway.

So the disabling thing then goes further with how to finish off the Faraday cage, with enough material around on the ground and/or shoved underneath where possible.

One that is sitting up on a level above the ground then becomes another story for how to complete the cage.

The "joke" was to disable and steal it. And my point would be - you can't replace sufficiently armed human beings. And what about all the unemployed people.

The only possible financial gain would be if a competitor used it to embarrass a company, but that is still illegal and would probably be traced back.

The shooting the cloth over devices I was thinking maybe spring loaded devices you stand-on to compress the spring. Or just explosive launched mini-rockets.

This idea might be useful for a company with these idiotic devices, to try and think of how to protect against such an attack. Hopefully not to use against a competitor!

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