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1 November 2022 Some ideas, other crap.

To start off in a sort of traditional way :

Welcome to my blog. (I'm the only one reading my blog, so why am I welcoming myself?) Every week I'll be sharing crap that you will find interesting! (Yeah right. I might remember and waste time once a month. And interesting? Never.)

One thing that I will be posting in most blog entries is ideas. Ideas from me or others to freely share mostly. But maybe also occasionally other ones I have found. All ideas will be listed or linked at ideas. I'm hoping somebody will know of a good name to use that will reflect fejjport. And maybe somebody will make use of one of the ideas. I have now on buymeacoffee.com memberships. One will get advanced information about ideas before I post them. Not something I was really planning on, but saw the membership thing and thought - what the hey.

And rambling on about random boring things in my life (making this a sort of a journal/diary then actually, since nobody is gonna read ths).

Very seldom, but if I find an interesting tip or trick, I'll share that too. And I'll update things, like if I ever hear of someone doing the round-off penny pinching thing.

For now entries will probably be mostly about what doing with these websites, but also maybe about businesses I'm helping with and/or starting, etc.

Eventually I'll start doing a lot of random ranting, general complaining, and just stupid weird things that come to mind.

Right now, today I am making pages public, many with a lot of information that was already posted, but is now hopefully better organized. Public reveal of ideas is new though. Not much, but it's there.

In the coming weeks, it's mostly re-posting information, but some new material in between.

Follow the RSS feed if you want to keep posted on updates.

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