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I just come up with a lot of odd ideas. This was about a game that isn't about killing. I probably farted at that moment, but not sure.
I think I had this in my head better at one point, but quickly... it went something like this...
"I ran up the Back Chamber toilet sewer ditch managing to dodge all the turds coming down. And I was running in the Back Stage Access corridor when just as I turned the last corner to head into the Fart Emperor Champions Arena, some one was ready with a Gigantic Ass aimed right at my face. Just as he let a Mega Fart go, I put on my gas mask real quick, but it was only level 4, and I had only one Green Slime Potion and drank it quickly. Not enough. I was down. My teammates were late with Revival Potions and I had to regather, and get a better gas mask. Same plan, but I survived, got in and defeated the Fart Emperor with a fast combination of Saved Fart Bombs and a series of Extreme Nasty Farts. Two days and I'm still defending my title."
Further thoughts are about different characters require different Fart Fuel to build up their gas level. And, even indicated, there is a dangerous level (Severely Bloated or ?) of gas pressure building up (past Extremely Painful = slower running or something), and if accidentally go too far, explode and have to be revived.
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